A Year In Review (Part One)

January: A month of leaving Malaysia, gold domes in Brunei, sumo in Tokyo, and saying hello.

February: A month of good friends, and of sad goodbyes.

March: A month of sumo in Osaka, otaku festivals, and more sushi than I could handle.

April: A month of cherry blossoms and love.

May: A month of Tokyo visits, birthdays, and plum wine.

June: A month of shopping in Kobe, putting things behind me, and trying to figure it all out.

July: A month of Tokyo, Hiroshima, Miyajima, and more okonomiyaki than one person should ever eat.2010 brought many trips around Japan, as well as trips to Malaysia, Brunei, The Philippines, China, Mongolia, Russia, America, and Canada. It brought great food, great friends, much laughter and a few tears. More than anything, though, it set the stage for the next few years of my life, and for that, I am so thankful.
