Home For A While (Part Three)












Winnipeg, Canada
These are the last of the photos from my new home, I promise. This time it’s the upstairs, with my bathroom, guest bedroom/office, and bedroom. I’m still amazed that I managed to put this all together in only a week, though the office will be an ongoing endeavor; it will be a good place to do some writing, though, once I start my online course (more on that soon).
One thing I didn’t mention in other posts about my new house was that the previous owners left some furniture behind. I was definitely happy to have a dining room table, desk, and futon already here, but it did mean that we had to decorate accordingly. They also left me with some very bright blue laminate in the bathroom which I was initially not too happy about, but I think the room came together in the end. I’m also so happy to finally have all of my paintings around the house: another Mexican one in the hallway, two prints from St. Petersburg’s Hermitage in the bathroom, three small paintings done by Cambodian children in the bedroom and bathroom, and the Vietnamese paintings I bought in Hoi An two years ago and only now had dry-mounted. All of my bedding and pillows are from India, and my possibly-creepy-but-very-much-loved yak skull from Nepal is prominently placed in my bedroom (if I start having nightmares I will let you know). I have also decided to display some of the clothing, shoes, and jewelery I bought in other countries, as otherwise they just hide in closets or drawers. I especially love the huge necklace I bought in Laos on my birthday that hangs in my bedroom.

So that’s it, that’s my house. Of course, it’s only home for a little while; I think I will only be here for another four or five months, and then I will rent it out and go and traipse around the world for a while. My new goal is to save enough for a plane ticket that will take me to another continent and just enough to keep me fed and housed for a few weeks – the prospect of working abroad again has filled my brain with the usual excitement and wanderlust. I’m asking myself those familiar questions again: where? when? for how long? to do what? I will have a long and cold winter to contemplate these questions, but at least I will have a cozy house to do it in.

For my living and dining rooms, click here. For the kitchen, front room and front hall, click here.
